Κεντρική ανατολική είσοδος κτιρίου

Άποψης κτιρίου από τη Βορειοδυτική πλευρά

Εσωτερική άποψης του κτιρίου (1ος όροφος)

Εσωτερικά της Κεντρικής εισόδου.

Χώρος μπροστά από τα αμφιθέατρα

Εσωτερική άποψης του κτιρίου (ισόγειο)

Μερική άποψη Αναγνωστηρίου

Γραμματεία Μεταπτυχιακών

Chemistry, an interdisciplinary field, is open to professionals practicing in a wide range of contexts i.e. educational institutions, government laboratories, private research institutions and foundations as well as many commercial fields, including the petroleum, chemical, drug, health, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and food industry.
The Department of Chemistry offers a dynamic undergraduate program coupled with a flourishing graduate and research program. One of the primary objectives is to invest in excellent teaching rates and provide excellent undergraduate research programs to complement regular coursework. Student participation in research is highly encouraged as a key part of the chemistry majors. Another distinctive feature is the high-standard research facilities available and the state-of-the-art instrumentation designed to train the scientists of tomorrow.
Our graduate program greatly benefits undergraduate students by attracting highly eminent academics and making major contributions to research. The department of Chemistry has earned a reputation of high quality. As a result, a large number of those who studied in our department have gone on to hold distinguished positions in academic, industrial and commercial settings throughout the world.
These web pages have been designed to help you find out about the department and its people. They are also featuring brief accounts of:
•the history of the Department
•the administrative organization of the Department
•its scientific structure, facilities, and activities (Laboratories, Staff, research activities, etc)
•the Academics and the Academic Support staff
•the educational curriculum offered
•the organization of studies
•the methodology of teaching, training, and testing of the students
•the description of individual courses
•the services offered by the School to Industry, to the State and to third parties
•the current research activities of the faculty
•News and Upcoming Events of interest to the Department
A strong conviction prevails at the Department of Chemistry; to provide first-rate education. Therefore, we do not remain neutral and indifferent to everyday life applications of chemistry. On the contrary, our department is an integral part of the working chemical industry and forms a basic element of the social edifice. That is why, we enhance the skills and the human qualities of our students and train them to value research highly and those who produce high-functional, innovative, energy efficient and environmentally benign materials.
We hope that these pages will be useful to anyone wishing to follow the Chemistry Curriculum offered, as well as to any other parties wishing to collaborate with the Department in joint teaching and research activities or seeking scientific and technical services.