Graduate Program Overview
The Department of Chemistry at the University of Crete offers a wide range of postgraduate educational and research opportunities, in the form of high-level post-graduate programs leading either to a Master of Science (MSc) degree or to a doctorate (PhD) degree.
The Department is a widely recognized center of education and research training, with internationally leading faculty and state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure. Historically, our first graduate students were admitted back in 1985, immediately upon the establishment of the Department. Today, we provide a core Graduate Program in Chemistry (MSc) and coordinate two more, one focusing on Environmental Science and Engineering and one on the Chemistry of Natural Products. In addition the Department maintains an active participation in three more Inter-Departmental (ID) or Inter-Institutional (II) programs in Biotechnology, Nanotechnology for Energy and Bioinorganic Chemistry. Our PhD program supports young scientists, offering opportunities across a wide range of research topics and themes, all in cutting edge directions of modern Chemistry, maintaining collaborations with universities, academic centers and science-based industries in Greece and Europe.
As of September 2022, 615 MSc degrees have been awarded while 212 Doctoral theses had been completed. Graduates of our MSc programs continue on with doctoral studies or embark on various careers in the public or private sectors. Likewise, PhD recipients carry on with post-doctoral careers at Universities in Europe and the USA. Many of our graduates have already received appointments in academic institutions in Greece and abroad (France, Germany, Denmark, USA, Cyprus,…), in companies in Greece and in Europe, or serve in the wider public sector in Greece (General State Chemistry Agency, National Hospitals and Health Service Centers and more, including secondary education).
Master of Science Graduate Programs (MSc)
Our MSc programs are full time and have a duration of two years (4 academic semesters) and provide the opportunity for graduate students to expand and strengthen their knowledge on modern Chemistry and at the same time get involved in cutting-edge research over a broad range of topics, promoting their field of science and ensuring high career prospects. Upon successful completion of their studies, graduates receive a Master of Science (MSc) degree.
The Department of Chemistry coordinates the following programs:
- MSc "Chemistry", with the following areas of specialization: 1. Biological and Organic Chemistry, 2. Analytical and environmental Chemistry, 3. Advanced Materials - Physical Chemistry;
- MSc “Environmental Sciences and Engineering”;
- MSc "Isolation and Synthesis of Natural Products with Biological Activity".
We also participates in the following three MSc programs:
- MSc: "Protein Biotechnology", coordinated by the Department of Biology of the University of Crete,
- MSc "Inorganic Biological Chemistry" coordinated by the Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina,
- MSc "Nanotechnology for Energy Applications” coordinated by the Hellenic Mediterranean University.
Doctoral Studies Program (PhD)
Within the framework of the doctoral studies, typically 3-4 years in duration, PhD candidates conduct systematic research on novel subjects in an internationally competitive academic environment, having at their disposal a wide spectrum of modern research infrastructure at the Chemistry Department and the University.
Indicative areas of research include: Inorganic and Bio-inorganic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Environmental Science, Chemistry of Natural Products, Nanomaterials, Polymer Chemistry, Materials for Energy Exploitation and Storage, Biocatalysis, Photocatalysis, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Food Quality Control, Green Chemistry. Upon successful completion of their thesis, graduates receive a Doctoral Diploma.