From the onset of the department of Chemistry emphasis was given in the direction of physical chemistry, both in the experimental and theoretical research. The first laboratories equipped with light scattering, CO2 laser, and mass spectrometry techniques soon were multiplied with laboratories in NMR applications and a variety of laser spectroscopies.
Today, the division has six professors, four experimentalists and two theoreticians, carrying out research in the fields of chemical dynamics, chemical kinetics, atmospheric chemistry, laser photochemistry, biological chemistry, theoretical spectroscopy and dynamics, and computational materials science.
Though our division is strongly research oriented, equal attention is given to educational and academic activities. The development of a highly competitive and modern undergraduate and graduate curricula offering accredited B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees has been among our continuous efforts. Collaborations in research and education, mainly via European grants, with reputable departments and research groups exist and are expanded.
Related Webpages:
Materials Modeling & Design Group (Prof. George Froudakis)
Photochemistry & Kinetics Laboratory