Pergantis Spyridon
1994, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Spiros Pergantis obtained his BSc in Chemistry from the University of Ioannina, Greece in July 1988. He then went on to obtain his PhD in Chemistry from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada in 1994 under the supervision of Prof. William R. Cullen. His thesis involved the development of new analytical techniques for arsenic speciation analysis in environmental and biological samples.
Academic career
Spiros Pergantis worked as Research Associate with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, at their National Exposure Research Laboratory, Characterization Research Division in Las Vegas, NV, USA from May 1994 until June 1996. From 1996 until 1997 he worked with the Mass Spectrometry Group at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, and from April 1997 until September 1997 as a TMR fellow with the Institute of Environmental Studies, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. From Oct. 1997 until March 2003 he served as Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry at the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of London. From March 2003 he has been at the Dept. of Chemistry, University of Crete, initially as Assistant Professor, then as Associate Professor (2008) and Full Professor (2014).
Research Interest
- Metal Speciation Analysis: Development and application of tandem mass spectrometric methods for the identification and quantification of known arsenic, selenium and antimony species in a variety of biological and environmental samples, i.e. method development for targeted analysis.
- Novel Metal Species Identification: Development of analytical methods for the detection and characterization of novel arsenic, selenium and antimony species (non-targeted analysis).
- Metal Species – Biomolecule Interactions: Development of mass spectrometric methods and techniques for investigating the interaction of metal(-loid) compounds with various biomolecules.
- Nanoparticle Determination Using Single Particle ICP-MS: Development of ICP-MS based methods for the determination of metal-containing nanoparticles.
- Advances in Sonic – Spray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Further development of sonic-spray ionization mass spectrometry for the determination of organometallic compounds, co-ordination compounds, peptides and proteins (metalloproteins).
- Collaborative Applications of Molecular and Atomic Mass Spectrometry: Recently we have also used our expertise in atomic and molecular mass spectrometry to advance collaborative projects in the areas of co-ordination compound characterization and metal determination in environmental, biological, food and archaeological samples.
Recent Publications
- “Low-dose addition of silver nanoparticles stresses marine plankton communities” A. Tsiola, Toncelli, S. Fodelianakis, G. Michoud, T. D. Bucheli, A. Gavriilidou, M. Kagiorgi, I. Kalantzi, K. Knauer, G. Kotoulas, K. Mylona, E. Papadopoulou, S. Psarra, I. Santi, M. Tsapakis*, D. Daffonchio, S. A. Pergantis and P. Pitta, Environmental Science: Nano, 2018, 5, 1965-1980 (DOI: 10.1039/C8EN00195B).
- “Silver nanoparticles in seawater: a dynamic mass balance at part per trillion silver concentrations” C. Toncelli, K. Mylona, I. Kalantzi, A. Tsiola, P. Pitta, M. Tsapakis, S. A. Pergantis*, Science of the Total Environment 2017, 601-602, 15-21.
- “Detection and Quantification of Silver Nanoparticles at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations Using Asymmetric Flow Field–Flow Fractionation Online with Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry” K.A. Huynh*, E. Siska, E. Heithmar, S. Tadjiki, S.A. Pergantis, Anal.Chem., 2016, 88 (9), 4909-4916.
- “Investigating the Occurrence and Environmental Significance of Methylated Arsenic Species in Atmospheric Particles by Overcoming Analytical Method Limitations” T. Tziaras, S. A. Pergantis*, E. G. Stephanou, Enviromental Sci. Technol., 2015, 49 (19), 11640–11648.
- “Investigation of a Combined Microdroplet Generator and Pneumatic Nebulization System for Quantitative Determination of Metal-Containing Nanoparticles Using ICPMS” B. Ramkorun-Schmidt, S. A. Pergantis, D. Esteban-Fernández, N. Jakubowski, and D. Günther, Anal.Chem., 2015, 87 (17), 8687–8694.