Ημερομηνία  παράδοσης εργασιών και διεξαγωγή τηλεδιάσκεψης  09/09/2020

Α. Ανακοίνωση Αγγλικά 2 εξεταστική Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

In order to avoid physical presence in exams this year, kindly note that there won’t be any written and oral exams this September. Students will have to submit the following tasks by email to the instructor:

Α. Classwork Tasks: [Complete at least 4; find them here] B. Presentation task: [Send a screencast to the instructor after you ensure you meet the criteria for scientific presentations. Duration: 8 min. Topic: Any chemistry article in an academic journal published in 2020]. C. Portfolio tasks: [Complete at least 7: find them here]

Email : katsampoxaki@uoc.gr

Kallia Katsampoxaki-Hodgetts

In-sessional EAP/ESP instructor/lecturer
Academic Writing Specialist
School of Science and Engineering
University of Crete
Tel. (0030) 2810 545102
Office 202, Administration Building II (Kosmiteia)
Panistimioupoli Vouton, Heraklion, Crete, 71003 

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